Thursday, April 26, 2012

Well Our Dreams Are Shot, Jen:(

I decided to google our genius app idea for plant identification. Appears some annoying smarty pants from the Smithsonian Institute and Columbia University already created "Leafsnap" that does just that. I guess we'll have to come up with another idea to make us millions! Ughhhh...

The People Who Stole Our Idea

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Things going on outside...

Not much going on this week because it is the week before FINALS at school for Mike and I! Ughhh when will this self-inflicted torture be over??? Anyway, lots of papers, group projects and shiz due. So I haven't been doing much besides work and school stuff, but I have been able to capture a few pictures of things going on outside. This past weekend I picked up a few flowers to plant out front because my silly cherry tree provided flowers for like a day. A little disappointed there. So here they are:

Spring really is a pretty time of year and I saw this gorg blue bird outside the kitchen window when cooking dinner one night. I was so excited to get a pic before he took off!

The same day that I planted a few flowers, I also cleaned the patio furniture. I scrubbed it with 409 and finally got the umbrella out. I love this umbrella because it has lights built into the arms. It's solar powered, so no worries about cords for power, etc. It all looked great all cleaned up and put together.

And then literally the next day I put the umbrella up for the first time and turned the lights on (it had a day to charge) and within an hour (!) we apparently had a frickin wind storm and this is what it looked like when I went to enjoy the lights. WTFFFF!!!???! Are you serious??? And one of the arms BROKE! :( Ughhh I am soooo sad. Really. I just don't even know what to say. I try to make all aspects of our house look nice and then after a weekend of literally cleaning the outside furniture, some freakish wind comes along and breaks it (and my excitement). Blahhhhhhhhhhhh. (ps. the table was in the middle of the patio!)

Then that night Mike went to let the dogs out at like 11pm before bed and saw these! He woke me to snap  some pix:)

And this doesn't really have anything to do with outside stuff but I am obsessed. Found it on Pinterest. Only $10 for a wiener dog ring bowl!

Friday, April 13, 2012


I just learned that there is a Picasso painting of his beloved dachshund Lump in a museum at the University of Texas in Austin! I have been mildly obsessed with Picasso since high school art class. Then I discovered he had a dachshund. As you well know, it was over from there. Pure obsession. So when I found out his personal photographer donated the first painting of Lump to UT in Austin, I almost peed myself because I was JUST there!

I cannot wait to go back and see this! My life long dream is to one day own a painting of Lump by Picasso. Hey, a girl can dream. Even if this is a dream on crack, speed, and shrooms. I'm sure such a thing would be EXP-E-ON-SIVE! Oh well...

Dachshund Vs. Penguin - sooo cute!

My two favorite things!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tejas, te quiero

Jen and Chris have been in Tejas for a month. I've been twice already:) Oops! But I miss them sooo much! So we flew with buddy passes this time thanks to my sis. A much better experience than that stain of an airline whose name I don't even want to say. We had direct flights each way because I won't even consider connections after that last shit show. We didn't think we would get on our flight TO Texas on Wednesday night and I was sad.

But then we made it on! Yay! So we were on our way to Austin. We got there around 11pm on Wednesday evening so there wasn't much to do that day, we just got back to their house, played with pups, and went to bed! On Thursday we went to the Domain which I am OBSESSED with. I got some very much needed mac makeup, we ate lunch, Mike got a hat, and we were off searching for my perfect yet expensive professional hair dryer. Ha. I'm sure I drove everyone (Jen, Mike and Davis) crazy talking about it, but HOLY SHIT did it work and make such a difference! 

My hair is seriously almost better and smoother with JUST using this dryer and NO straightener. I had a hard time believing it myself. I kept walking into the den and asking Jen how it looked. She probably thought (yet again) this bitch is cray. Needless to say I was pumped. Oh, and also during the day while waiting for Chris to get home, we went out into the back yard to see Jen's GORGEOUS "knock out" (seriously, that's what they're called) roses. OMG. I die. See for yourself:

After Chris got home from work we went downtown and ate at this really cool Mexican place on 6th street. It was yummy.

Friday we wanted to try to go back to the lake since Jen and Davis had such a good time there earlier in the week. The only place they could find to lay out was a really rocky place, so we tried to find somewhere else. We thought we had, but we showed up and because the lake is so dried up from the drought, there was no sand or even water nearby. Just enough water to dock the boats in... So we were back to square one. The boys made it pretty clear they wanted to get back to play the PS3 so after lunch at McAllisters and a failed trip to the lake, we went back to the casa. I finally got to use my phenom hair dryer and we went to a DELISH steakhouse when Chris got home from work. It was called Saltgrass and once it again the food was so good. I literally haven't had one meal in Austin that wasn't fantastic. Afterwards we wanted some fun time so we went to Dave and Busters! I haven't been there in probably 5 or 6 years! It was fun. I played skee ball:) The below cup is from McDonald's on the way home- Texas is so much better in lit everyday, they even customize their to go cups!

Saturday was our last day:( Our flight was at 7am on Sunday and we had to be up at 4:15am. Good god have mercy. So we had to fit everything else we wanted to do in to this last day. And we did! We started at the Alamo in San Antonio. It was awesome. I got my dad this shirt:

Next, we continued on to Sea World. It was soooooo overcrowded it almost made it a little un-enjoyable but then there were PENGUINS! Obv that made me thrilled.

Finally, and probably my most favorite part of Texas, we went to the Salt Lick- the ORIGINAL. OMG I love that place. People bring their own coolers and lit have a cook out style hang out right in the front yard of this restaurant while they wait for their tables to be ready. They have a small wooden stage for live music (which was of course phenom) and there are all these little strung lights everywhere, a wine cellar because the whole place is surrounded by a vineyard, picnic tables, it goes on and on. Basically I can't say enough so just see pics:

In conclusion, I love Texas. Mike and I can't wait to go back and do the hundred other awesome things there are to do there!!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

New hair!

So I'm officially old as balls. I dye my hair on a regular basis. So depressssssss. Anyways, figured I'd make a post out of it. I dyed my hair AGAIN last night and then had a hair cut appointment today. I was pumped to get it dyed AND cut so close together- how old of me:/

Anyways, I got the urge to be "drastic" (which for me means probably normal for others) and cut 3 inches off!! I also put a lot of layers in and cut some angles around face. Whatcha think?

It's still long, so it's hard to believe she took 3 inches off!